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幸存者第二十六季 In this season, 10 ultimate Survivor fans square off against 10 of their favorite players from the past in the Camaroan Islands!   The Bik al Tribe (Favorites) and the Gota Tribe (Fans) are set to compete in SURVIVOR: CARAMOAN – FANS vs. FAVORITES when the twenty-sixth installment of the Emmy Award-winning reality series premieres with a special two-hour edition, Wednesday, February 13 (8:00 – 10:00 PM ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. 在這個季節,10終極幸存者球迷廣場10的對抗他們所喜愛的邉訂T從過去的Camaroan群島!Bik的al部落(最愛)和“綠野仙蹤”部落(粉絲)將參加幸存者:CARAMOAN——球迷與最愛當二十六期的艾美獎獲獎現實系列特別版首映兩小時,星期三,2月13日(8:00 - 10:00 PM ET / PT)在哥倫比亞廣播公司電視網絡 


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