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神偷艷佟渡裢灯G佟吩谏鲜兰o60年代曾經被搬上過銀幕,這次拍攝的新版與舊版情節大致相同,都是講述了一個專業竊伲蛩銖哪澄桓蝗耸种型底咭粋價值連城的雕像,為此他必須尋找一位助手協助自己完成偷盜計劃。然而當他找到了最合適的助手人選后,卻對后者日久生情,導致偷盜過程一波三折。影片改編自60年代同名電影,由科恩兄弟打造劇本,講述一名藝術經銷商的“驚天普蘭”,意欲用一張假莫奈作品詐騙他的上司的故事。Harry Dean\"s plan to steal a statue from one of the world\"s richest men is missing one final component -- the participation of a beautiful woman to act as his gambit. In Nicole, he meets someone who appears to be the perfect candidate, but Harry himself becomes enraptured with her, causing his plan to take a series of wrong turns.


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