
巴洛克集腋劇《魔幻島》 "The Metropolitan Opera HD Live" The Enchanted Island:高清劇情簡介評論(在下方寫下對應集數的評論吧!)

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《巴洛克集腋劇《魔幻島》 "The Metropolitan Opera HD Live" The Enchanted Island》劇情介紹:

巴洛克集腋劇《魔幻島》的劇情簡介   Overture
  George Frideric Handel: Alcina, HWV 34
  Act I
  1. "My Ariel" (Prospero, Ariel) – "Ah, if you would earn your freedom" (Prospero)
  Antonio Vivaldi: Cessate, omai cessate, cantata, RV 684, "Ah, ch’infelice sempre"
  2. "My master, generous master – I can conjure you fire" (Ariel)
  Handel: Il trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno, oratorio, HWV 46a, Part I, "Un pensiero nemico di ... (展開全部)   Overture
  George Frideric Handel: Alcina, HWV 34
  Act I
  1. "My Ariel" (Prospero, Ariel) – "Ah, if you would earn your freedom" (Prospero)
  Antonio Vivaldi: Cessate, omai cessate, cantata, RV 684, "Ah, ch’infelice sempre"
  2. "My master, generous master – I can conjure you fire" (Ariel)
  Handel: Il trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno, oratorio, HWV 46a, Part I, "Un pensiero nemico di pace"
  3. "Then what I desire" (Prospero, Ariel)
  4. "There are times when the dark side – Maybe soon, maybe now" (Sycorax, Caliban)
  Handel: Teseo, HWV 9, Act V, Scene 1, "Morirò, ma vendicata"
  5. "The blood of a dragon – Stolen by treachery" (Caliban)
  Handel: La Resurrezione, oratorio, HWV 47, Part I, Scene 1, "O voi, dell’Erebo"
  6. "Miranda! My Miranda!" (Prospero, Miranda) – "I have no words for this feeling" (Miranda)
  Handel: Notte placida e cheta, cantata, HWV 142, "Che non si dà"
  7. "My master’s books" – "Take salt and stones" (Ariel)
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