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愛的死亡咒語的劇情簡介   Because of Fate, young columnist got time travel experience to next 3 years. The most important, she found that she has been married with nice guy but he's not her type. Thus, she has been trying to go back to her present time. Unfortunately, she hasn't made it and she has been falling in love with her future husband. When she can come back to the present time, she will try to ... (展開全部)   Because of Fate, young columnist got time travel experience to next 3 years. The most important, she found that she has been married with nice guy but he's not her type. Thus, she has been trying to go back to her present time. Unfortunately, she hasn't made it and she has been falling in love with her future husband. When she can come back to the present time, she will try to get him to be her husband again!! The reunion of Mik and Bow and new character of Jaeda Saranya.
  cr ig: mik_t_wings 愛的死亡咒語的演職員 ( 全部 2 )
  • Mik Thongraya 演員
  • 柏梅娜妲 演員
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