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兩片水域之間 Entre Dos Aguas:高清劇情簡介評論(在下方寫下對應集數的評論吧!)

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《兩片水域之間 Entre Dos Aguas》劇情介紹:

兩片水域之間的劇情簡介   Isra and Cheíto are two Roma brothers: Isra was sent to prison for drug dealing and Cheíto signed up for the Marines. When Isra is released from prison and Cheíto returns from a long mission, they return to San Fernando. With it, the reunion between the siblings brings memories of their father’s violent death when they were>   Isra and Cheíto are two Roma brothers: Isra was sent to prison for drug dealing and Cheíto signed up for the Marines. When Isra is released from prison and Cheíto returns from a long mission, they return to San Fernando. With it, the reunion between the siblings brings memories of their father’s violent death when they were>兩片水域之間的演職員 ( 全部 3 )
  • 伊薩基拉庫埃斯塔 導演
  • 伊瑟爾戈麥斯羅梅羅 演員
  • Francisco Romero 演員
兩片水域之間的圖片 ( 添加視頻評論|圖片4添加 )

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