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一個人的字幕的劇情簡介   故事梗概:字幕翻譯對于我來講意味著什么?大學四年、工作兩年的青春與精力投身其中。當后來不再翻譯字幕的時候,我想以“紀錄映像”的方式去回溯/記得這段往事。
  Synopsis: What does subtitle translation mean in my eyes? I have devoted my youth and effort of 4 years of campus life and 2 years of work l... (展開全部)   故事梗概:字幕翻譯對于我來講意味著什么?大學四年、工作兩年的青春與精力投身其中。當后來不再翻譯字幕的時候,我想以“紀錄映像”的方式去回溯/記得這段往事。
  Synopsis: What does subtitle translation mean in my eyes? I have devoted my youth and effort of 4 years of campus life and 2 years of work life. When I have given up translating subtitle, I want to look back to and remember such a bygone by documentary.
  Subtitle is equal to public: By this documentary I want to show how a cinephile makes a link with film and makes effect to more cinephile in such a special situation in China. This documentary also displays a tip of the iceberg of the cinephile cultural history in China.
  Subtitle is equal to privacy: I hope to experience the progress of subtitle translation again, in order to cast my ambition and burden in the old days. I want to say goodbye to that ego with subtitle translation and move forwards to that ego with indie-documentary direction. I want to search more possibilities to the films. 一個人的字幕的影人 ( 全部 2 )
  • 熊仔俠 導演
  • 熊仔俠
一個人的字幕的圖片 ( 全部3|添加圖片 )

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