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《尋親之旅 à 2 heures de Paris》劇情介紹:

尋親之旅的劇情簡介   Sidonie, a young air hostess, raises her 15 year old daughter Lolo alone as the father is unknown. In an effort to satisfy Lolo's growing curiosity as to her origins, Sidonie takes her to her own native region, Somme Bay, in search of potential fathers. The aim of the trip : to steal a precious hair from each of these men in order to carry-out a DNA paternity test. There are fi... (展開全部)   Sidonie, a young air hostess, raises her 15 year old daughter Lolo alone as the father is unknown. In an effort to satisfy Lolo's growing curiosity as to her origins, Sidonie takes her to her own native region, Somme Bay, in search of potential fathers. The aim of the trip : to steal a precious hair from each of these men in order to carry-out a DNA paternity test. There are five potential fathers: a melancholic mechanic, an artist/painter jaded playboy, a former local football champion, a nightclub owner, a womanizing country doctor - five men who open the doors of their lives. Five men, five memories, five confrontations with the past, five unexpected encounters. 尋親之旅的演職員 ( 全部 4 )
  • 瓦萊莉邁蕾絲 演員
  • 芬尼科騰肯 演員
  • 蒂埃里弗雷蒙 演員
  • 弗雷德里克皮耶羅 演員
尋親之旅的圖片 ( 添加視頻評論|圖片1添加 )


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