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痛苦 La douleur:高清劇情簡介評論(在下方寫下對應集數的評論吧!)

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《痛苦 La douleur暂无》劇情介紹:

痛苦的劇情簡介   When she finds two old notebooks in a forgotten box, Marguerite Duras remembers her past and the unbearable pain of waiting. In the 1944 Nazi-occupied France, the young and brilliant author is an active Resistance member with her husband Robert Antelme. When he is deported by the Gestapo, she throws herself into a desperate struggle to get him back. She develops a chilling rela... (展開全部)   When she finds two old notebooks in a forgotten box, Marguerite Duras remembers her past and the unbearable pain of waiting. In the 1944 Nazi-occupied France, the young and brilliant author is an active Resistance member with her husband Robert Antelme. When he is deported by the Gestapo, she throws herself into a desperate struggle to get him back. She develops a chilling relationship with local Vichy collaborator Rabier and takes terrible risks to save Robert, playing a cat-and-mouse game of unpredictable meetings all over Paris. Does he really want to help her? Or is he trying to dig up information about the anti-Nazi underground movement? Finally the war ends and camp victims return, an excruciating period for her, a long and silent agony after the chaos of the Liberation of Paris. But she continues to wait, bound to the torment of absence even beyond hope. 痛苦的影人 ( 全部 9 )
  • 艾瑪努艾爾芬奇 導演
  • 梅蘭尼蒂埃里
  • 伯努瓦馬吉梅爾
  • 班哲明比歐雷
  • 格雷戈瓦勒普蘭斯-林蓋
  • 埃馬紐埃爾布迪約
痛苦的圖片 ( 全部7|添加圖片 )

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