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音樂鄉悖論 Paradox:高清劇情簡介評論(在下方寫下對應集數的評論吧!)

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《音樂鄉悖論 Paradox》劇情介紹:

音樂鄉悖論的劇情簡介   Time is fluid in this far-fetched, whimsical western tale of music and love. Somewhere in the future past, The Man In the Black Hat hides out between heists at an old stagecoach stop with Jail Time, the Particle Kid, and an odd band of outlaws. Mining the detritus of past civilizations, they wait… for the Silver Eagle, for the womenfolk, and for the full moon's magic to give ri... (展開全部)   Time is fluid in this far-fetched, whimsical western tale of music and love. Somewhere in the future past, The Man In the Black Hat hides out between heists at an old stagecoach stop with Jail Time, the Particle Kid, and an odd band of outlaws. Mining the detritus of past civilizations, they wait… for the Silver Eagle, for the womenfolk, and for the full moon's magic to give rise to the music and make the spirits fly. 音樂鄉悖論的演職員 ( 全部 3 )
  • 達麗爾漢納 導演
  • 尼爾楊 演員
  • 威利納爾遜 演員
音樂鄉悖論的視頻和圖片 ( 預告片1|添加視頻評論|圖片9添加 )

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