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烏菲的一生 Gud taler ud:高清劇情簡介評論(在下方寫下對應集數的評論吧!)

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《烏菲的一生 Gud taler ud》劇情介紹:

烏菲的一生的劇情簡介   A film about an eccentric man of the world called God, who lives in an ordinary detached house with his family: his Swedish wife Gerd Lillian and his two youngest sons, Thomas and Jens. The oldest son, Mikkel wants nothing to do with God, so-called because he treats the world as his own creation. In reality, God is a man with a mild dependency>   A film about an eccentric man of the world called God, who lives in an ordinary detached house with his family: his Swedish wife Gerd Lillian and his two youngest sons, Thomas and Jens. The oldest son, Mikkel wants nothing to do with God, so-called because he treats the world as his own creation. In reality, God is a man with a mild dependency>烏菲的一生的影人 ( 全部 4 )
  • 亨里克魯本甘茨 導演
  • 索倫莫靈
  • Lisa Nilsson
  • Bo Hr. Hansen 編劇
烏菲的一生的圖片 ( 全部4|添加圖片 )

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