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盧浮宮的珍寶 Treasures of the Louvre:高清劇情簡介評論(在下方寫下對應集數的評論吧!)

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《盧浮宮的珍寶 Treasures of the Louvre》劇情介紹:

盧浮宮的珍寶的劇情簡介   Paris-based writer Andrew Hussey travels through the glorious art and surprising history of an extraordinary French institution to show that the story of the Louvre is the story of France. As well as exploring the masterpieces of painters such as Veronese, Rubens, David, Chardin, Gericault and Delacroix, he examines the changing face of the Louvre itself through its architectur... (展開全部)   Paris-based writer Andrew Hussey travels through the glorious art and surprising history of an extraordinary French institution to show that the story of the Louvre is the story of France. As well as exploring the masterpieces of painters such as Veronese, Rubens, David, Chardin, Gericault and Delacroix, he examines the changing face of the Louvre itself through its architecture and design. Medieval fortress, Renaissance palace, luxurious home to kings, emperors and more recently civil servants, today it attracts eight million visitors a year. The documentary also reflects the very latest transformation of the Louvre - the museum's recently-opened Islamic Gallery. 盧浮宮的珍寶的影人 ( 全部 1 )
  • Alastair Laurence 導演
盧浮宮的珍寶的圖片 ( 全部12|添加圖片 )

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