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大學一年級 Première année:高清劇情簡介評論(在下方寫下對應集數的評論吧!)

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《大學一年級 Première année》劇情介紹:

大學一年級的劇情簡介   Antoine began his first year of medicine for the third time. Benjamin arrives directly from school, but he quickly realizes that this year will not be a promenade of health. In a competitive environment violent, with days of arduous course and nights dedicated to revisions rather than'to the feast, the two students will need to be belabored and find a fair balance between the t... (展開全部)   Antoine began his first year of medicine for the third time. Benjamin arrives directly from school, but he quickly realizes that this year will not be a promenade of health. In a competitive environment violent, with days of arduous course and nights dedicated to revisions rather than'to the feast, the two students will need to be belabored and find a fair balance between the tests of today and the hopes of tomorrow. 大學一年級的演職員 ( 全部 3 )
  • 托馬斯利蒂 導演
  • 文森特拉科斯特 演員
  • 威廉勒布吉歐 演員
大學一年級的圖片 ( 添加視頻評論|圖片1添加 )

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