The story of Shell, a girl who lives with her father Pete in a remote gas station in the Scottish Highlands, in their struggle against the elements and the impossible love they feel during the last winter that she will be in that place. The Scottish Scott Graham in the feature film debut with an adaptation of his short Shell, winner of the London Short Film Festival. His next short film, Native Son, was released in the Critics" Week in Cannes in 2010..簡介結束
張震 / 楊冪 / 張譯 / 雷佳音 / 辛芷蕾 / 金士杰 / 劉端端 / 武強 / 楊軼 / 李媛 / 吳曉亮 / 李洪濤 / 劉峰超 / 袁文康 / 馬赫 / 劉亭作 / 姜曉沖 / 陳齊威 / 王仁君 / 周一圍
葉德嫻 黃宇文 任達華 午馬 樊少皇
細谷佳正 / 梶裕貴 / 坂本頼光
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